Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Tough Week

School was pretty hard this last week and it didn't help that Rick was out of town in Seattle. I've really been struggling with the amount of foul language used in student's writing in my Creative Writing class. For the most part, I've had to ignore it, and 'suggest' that other words be found rather than expletives. Then one student, writes about something that was rather sensual. He's really quite talented, which is why the piece bothered me so much. I tried to state my opinion in class that I didn't think the topic appropriate, but was told I couldn't say that kind of thing in workshop. I was humiliated. I wish I knew the words to state how I feel without breaking workshop rules.

My American Studies prof. used two articles from our text on religion, "A Model of Christian Charity" by John Winthrop and U. S. Supreme Court decision by Justice Hugo Black in class. It was a great discussion until the end when he pointed at the words by Black "religion is too personal, too sacred, too holy, to permit its 'unhallowed perversion' by a civil magistrate" to prove that you can have gay marriage. I was shocked. It totally came out of the blue. Each day he says more and more that I disagree with, politically and religiously speaking. After class on Thursday I was nearly in tears when another student kindly put things in perspective for me, supported me in my discouragement and cheered me up. It really helped!

I have two classes on American Identity so I feel pretty bombarded with people saying how bad America is. I know that there are things that need to change, but do not feel that we need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

In my art class we continue to view nudes. Others may see them as a work of art and I certainly applaud those that can accurately depict the human body. But for me, it's pornography no matter how beautiful the lines, strokes, composition or color.

Dealing with the assault on my senses is bad enough, but thoughts of the economy or political situation adds to my stress. I keep coming to the same conclusion. The world needs the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must keep His commandments and in doing so, we will receive His blessings. I've also come to the conclusion that most of the world doesn't know who God is. If they did, it would change their lives.

I am now one-third of the way through the semester. I do love learning and am gaining so much at school in spite of the difficulties. I know the Lord will help me to conquer this, too!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What I Love About School

Out of necessity my attitude about school needs to change so I decided to start looking for all the tings I love about school. This hasn't been exactly easy! Here goes:
  • I like that there are fiften-minute breaks between classes. It's enough time to stretch, freshen up, and exchange books at my car before my next class.
  • I like that I've found a place to park that is central to my classes so that I can use it as a locker room and not have to carry all my many books to class after class.
  • I like that one of my classes is two blocks from the campus. It's a nice walk and makes me feel like I'm out of school.
  • Not exactly about scool, but it helps...I like the weather this time of year. It's not too hot or muggy with a slight breeze. Being outside between classes is relaxing.
  • I like that I get a four-day weekend since my classes are stacked Tuesday/Thursday.
  • I like that when I leave on Thursday, I've finished another week.
  • I like when teachers let class out early saying, "That's all I have for today, get outta here!"
I'm getting a start. I'll keep thinking.

On to better is Emmaline's birthday!

Happy Birthday to her!
Happy Birthday to her!
Happy Birthday dear Emmaline,
Happy Birthday to her!

She is now two years old. My favorite thing about her is her curly hair and the way she calls herself princess. She's one smart little girl. Britta is having a little birthday party for her this morning. It'll be fun.

Rick left yesterday for Seattle-again. He's spent a lot of time there this year. It's hard to have him gone for long so I hope it doesn't turn into a seven-week stint like it did during the summer. He's pretty busy as well with a job that gives him 30 hours overtime and working on his dissertation. Frequently he's up at 4 a.m. just to accomplish all that he needs to. Wow.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 4

I'm nearly a third of the way done with school. Today is the beginning of week 4. Thursday is the end. I love my four-day weekends! I just wish I could do something besides homework. I checked over my TO-DO list yesterday and found that I had an essay, due on Thursday, that I'd completly forgotten about. So I had to add that as well as two chapters reading in preparation for it, to my mental schedule for the day. Of course, it took most of the rest of the day, but I got a viable rough draft out of it. My plan is to work on it again tonight before submitting it to tomorrow. Otherwise, I got through everything except reading the nearly 200 pages assigned in my art class. I made a good stab at it! I divided up my time for my honors projects. I plan to have them done by the fourth weekend in October, which gives me two weeks for each project. The first one is a paper on Shakespeare's MacBeth, the second is a research paper and presentation on the Missouri Compromise (if I get it approved) and the third is an annotated bibliography and research paper on American Indian mythology. Dividing them up into weeks helps me to focus on each. I'm still praying (literally!) that I make it through!

Even though I spent most of my time on homework, I did spend some time with Britta. On Saturday we went shopping at Target for towels for my bathroom and came home with a Halloween lantern and two scull candlesticks for my decorations. I'm thinking of having Halloween party for Garrett and Spencer and their friends. Our ward is having a party on Friday night. I really don't have time to throw as big of a party as I did last year, so this should work out well. I can re-use the decorations in the same way as last year for the party this year! (I almost feel like I'm cheating--must be the influences of school!)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm Sleepy

I'm actually glad to feel sleepy. For the past two nights I could hardly sleep. Yesterday I thought I'd have trouble making it through a long day at school so I took a caffiene tablet at lunch time. It worked too well! I was alert and energetic through the rest of the day and well into the night. I tried going to bed at 10 p.m. but couldn't sleep. Iwas up until 1 a.m. and got up this morning at 5 a.m. So I'm glad to feel sleepy. Maybe I'll actually fall asleep tonight.

Not much is new around here. I spent the entire day working on homework. Yesterday was the first day of the school week-week 3-and tomorrow is the last day. I love how that works! It just makes Wednesdays very busy.

I'm trying to read Shakespeare's MacBeth. I need to read it and write an essay on it for honors credit. So I decided to break it up into pieces and read one act each day. Then I'll do some research on it to find out what other's have to say about it. I might need to re-read it again. We have a movie based on MacBeth coming in the mail from Netflix so that'll help to really understand it. I want to get this finished before the end of the month so I don't have to worry about it towards the end of the semester. Tomorow I'll find out what I can do for honors in my other two classes.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I find that Facebook, Farmville, YoVille, WoW and this blog are incredibly fun wasters of time. I should be writing my essay about Vincent Van Gogh but instead I'm writing about me. I have nothing against Van Gogh. I even found a painting of his I really like. But I don't know what he means by his statement concerning his paintings, "here and there portions that are left absolutely unfinished, repetitions, savageries," which quote I need to encorporate in my essay. So, I'd much rather be writing this and checking out facebook than finishing my homework!

Matt has been at boot camp two weeks now. Britta was able to talk to him twice, very briefly. Missionaries serving at the camp took a picture of him and the other LDS servicemen and e-mailed it to her. It was so cool to see his picture! I really miss him!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

School Woes

While in conversation with a classmate as I was walking to class on Thursday, I realized that I'm taking EIGHTEEN credit hours! No wonder I'm going crazy. I don't know why I do this to myself. Most of the tight schedule occured when I changed majors my first semester and dropped classes leaving me with only two. Second semester I had five classes, but it turned out one didn't fulfill any requiremnts. It was frankly frustrating to find that out! So now to still graduate by May I have to kill myself.

What adds insult to injury (a cliche we writers abhore), is that last semester I signed up for the honors program. The program opperates by talking with the prof. of the class you want to take honors in, one you're already enrolled in, and doing an extra paper, project or presentation-whatever the instructor dictates. Then, if you get an A in the class, it will be marked with 'honors' on your transcript. For example, I'm taking my World Literature class as an honor's class, so in addition to reading Hamlet as we're currently doing, I will also read another of Shakespeare's plays and write an essay about it. In all, I need eight classes taken as honor's classes to graduate with honors. Last semester I took three with the plan that this semester I would have another three and in the spring I would take two. So far I've talked to my World Lit prof. and American Studies prof. about honors for this semester. I'm still deciding which other class I want to subject myself to such horror!

So I'm taking EIGHTEEN credit hours with nine of them honors. Last semester I thought I was doing a good thing by getting a 4.0 g.p.a. I really worked my tail off for that! But now I'm faced with the fact that last semester I did it, so I have these high expectations that this semester I should do it as well and I guess that means next semester, too. Ugh. It's Frankly Frustrating!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So I just started a new blog cause I didn't like the name on the old one, so WELCOME to my new blog!

School Begins

I started school last week and had homework the first day! Most of my classes are overwhelming as I feel like I'm struggling to catch up with where the prof. is lecturing. But then, I'm in classes in which I've had no background. Two are 20th century art and Mythology and Civilization. Another two classes aren't turning out to be what I imagined them to be, Intro. to American Studies and Missouri and the American Identity. That leaves Creative Writing and World Literature. Those classes are okay-not great, but okay. What I do like about my schedule is that all my classes are Tuesday/Thursday so I have more time at home. Of course I just spend the time at home doing homework! Speaking of which....