Sunday, September 6, 2009

I find that Facebook, Farmville, YoVille, WoW and this blog are incredibly fun wasters of time. I should be writing my essay about Vincent Van Gogh but instead I'm writing about me. I have nothing against Van Gogh. I even found a painting of his I really like. But I don't know what he means by his statement concerning his paintings, "here and there portions that are left absolutely unfinished, repetitions, savageries," which quote I need to encorporate in my essay. So, I'd much rather be writing this and checking out facebook than finishing my homework!

Matt has been at boot camp two weeks now. Britta was able to talk to him twice, very briefly. Missionaries serving at the camp took a picture of him and the other LDS servicemen and e-mailed it to her. It was so cool to see his picture! I really miss him!

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