Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm Sleepy

I'm actually glad to feel sleepy. For the past two nights I could hardly sleep. Yesterday I thought I'd have trouble making it through a long day at school so I took a caffiene tablet at lunch time. It worked too well! I was alert and energetic through the rest of the day and well into the night. I tried going to bed at 10 p.m. but couldn't sleep. Iwas up until 1 a.m. and got up this morning at 5 a.m. So I'm glad to feel sleepy. Maybe I'll actually fall asleep tonight.

Not much is new around here. I spent the entire day working on homework. Yesterday was the first day of the school week-week 3-and tomorrow is the last day. I love how that works! It just makes Wednesdays very busy.

I'm trying to read Shakespeare's MacBeth. I need to read it and write an essay on it for honors credit. So I decided to break it up into pieces and read one act each day. Then I'll do some research on it to find out what other's have to say about it. I might need to re-read it again. We have a movie based on MacBeth coming in the mail from Netflix so that'll help to really understand it. I want to get this finished before the end of the month so I don't have to worry about it towards the end of the semester. Tomorow I'll find out what I can do for honors in my other two classes.

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